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Elliot Moorhead, Founder & Chief Technical Officer

Elliott Moorhead is a scientist and inventor.  As a scientist and businessman, Mr. Moorhead began developing industrial scale biological and enzyme consortium solutions in the late 1990s.

Mr. Moorhead began his career in 1969 and founded the Moorhead Group of Companies.

In 1998 Elliott became CEO of Nanovapor Systems, a company targeting and remediating Volatile Organic Compounds and odors for the Maritime and Petroleum Industries.

His Team developed several new bio-solutions for wastewater treatment plants.  The technology was used successfully across the United States, United Kingdom and other parts of Europe.

In the US he worked with the Western Dairyman's Association‎, the San Francisco Municipal WWTP, Waste Management Inc, Hunters Point WWTP, and many others, successfully solving the complex problems of Hydrogen Sulfide Odor and other toxic odors plaguing the industries.

His work has also been noted by The UK Geological Society, London Observer, Manchester Guardian all quoted him as "One of America's foremost and respected scientists in this space...".

As Chief Technical Officer, he is currently focused on supervising the installation and successful management of Nanozyme Technologies and its many use.

‎Mr. Moorhead is married and lives in Maine.

Chris DePino, Chief Communications Officer


Chris DePino has 32 years of lobbying and procurement experience in Wastewater Industries, Corporate Communication and press relations..


His years of contact with leading national and state-wide political leaders have allowed him to assist many companies with business development, sales and marketing strategies.


·In 1990, Chris was elected to serve as a board member of the Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority.    

·In 1992, he was elected to the CT Legislature and worked extensively on clean water funding for wastewater treatment plants across CT. 

·In 1996, he was elected to Chairman of the Republican Party in CT (1996-2003), leading the party to record fundraising and electoral success. Chris successfully managed the elections and re-elections for Governor John Rowland and  many other federal and statewide office holders.

·In 2003 he founded DNB Lobby, formerly DePino Associates.  He continues to lead the Municipal Procurement Division.


Chris is married with children and grandchildren. In his spare time, he plays the chromatic and diatonic harmonica at venues in the US, and as a featured guest artist with a well-known musician in Europe

The journey to cleaner air and safety starts right here.  

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NanoZyme Technologies (NZT) was  founded to develop, market, and distribute a suite of natural environmental chemistries to a variety of industries where Hydrogen Sulfide (“H2S”) odor is problematic. Our proprietary biocatalyst formulas are safe, non-toxic and will destroy H2S odors on contact.

There are many industries that could benefit from the product, including wastewater processing (headworks, storage tanks, indoor press rooms, pump stations), petroleum-based operations, animal confinement (husbandry), landfill, and composting facilities.

The Team at NZT will work to solve your industrial odor problem. No other formula can do what NZT Clean does. It's that simple. 


Contact the NZT Team today and get rid of those awful odors.  The Solution to your Hydrogen Sulfide odor problems begins with NZT.


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